Is Instagram safe?

4 min
instagram logo with a padlock instragram security concept

Among all of the social applications and networks, Instagram is one of the most popular. According to the reports like the one provided by Statista, it ranks 3rd together with WhatsApp. Millions of users mean giant amounts of data collected. But, is Instagram a safe place? What are the ways to protect your account?

Safety of Instagram: frequently raised issues

As one of the biggest social media, Instagram cares for its users. The company that owns that service, Meta, provides helpful security solutions. On the other hand, that much data available at everyone’s fingertips is tempting for dishonest users like hackers. So is Instagram dangerous? It strongly depends on the behavior of users. Like on every Internet site that collects personal information, here you should also be careful and aware. But that doesn’t mean that you should quit social media.

So what are the greatest dangers of Instagram?

Suspicious contacts

A lot of fraud occurs online. For example, you can get the message about an incredible financial opportunity. Or, someone asks you for help and sends you a link. Those can be strangers that you have nothing in common with or just fake accounts, created just to make some swindles. A user could also impersonate your friend, but the behavior and tone of voice could be suspicious for you.

Copyright laws infringement

Since Instagram concentrates mostly on pictures and videos, that content can also be copied and illegally used. People who put their professional works on the portal should be vigilant.

How to secure an Instagram account? 10 ways for a safe Insta profile!

Luckily, there’s no reason to panic. There are many ways to make your account safer:

  • Create a strong password, difficult to break or guess. Although Instagram allows you to use only 6 characters in it, it’s better to have a longer password. Use not only small letters, but also capitals, numbers, or special characters.
  • Avoid reusing a password. Thanks to that, if any of your accounts get hacked, the others can remain safe.
  • Remember to change your password sometimes – at least several times a year.
  • Enable two-factor authentication. Thanks to that, every new device has to be confirmed by you. You can mark your computer or phone as safe. But when someone tries to enter your account, it won’t be possible without additional verification, e.g. through the code sent on your phone.
  • Avoid untrusted devices when using Instagram – on public computers. When you don’t have a choice, remember to use incognito mode in the browser.
  • Try not to use public networks while working on important accounts. When you have to use the Internet in a cafe or hotel, firstly install VPN software. It allows you to hide from the other users of a particular network. Your data is transferred through a secured tunnel. Is Instagram safe while using tuxlerVPN? For sure it is less dangerous than exposing it to everyone using the public network.
  • Don’t click the links sent from suspicious profiles. Avoid accepting business proposals from unknown people. When you don’t recognize the account and it seems to be spam or phishing, block the profile. Inform Instagram about the situation. That will help to protect the other users.
  • Think carefully about what you want to share. Especially be careful not to share too many personal details like photographs of documents, home addresses, and so on.
  • If you don’t need to be recognizable, make your account private. While it’s public, everyone can see your materials and comments. The content shared in the private account is visible only to people who were accepted by you as your followers (except for profile photo and short bio which are public). Remember that private settings are available for personal accounts only. Business accounts are set to public by default and you can’t change that.

Is Instagram shopping safe?

Technically, Instagram is not a typical shopping platform. But you can find interesting products in this social service. A lot of things, especially clothes, jewelry, and home stuff, can be seen there. Products are tagged on photos and Instagram Lives and are often recommended by influencers. You can either buy through the marketplace directly on Insta or be redirected to a particular online shop. Remember that this feature for the sellers does not work in every country in the world. Here comes the possibility of using a VPN. But, let’s concentrate on you as the buyer.

Of course, Instagram has its means of user protection. For instance, in the US there is a feature called Purchase Protection. But in case of personal transactions, it’s a good idea to be especially careful. Is Instagram shopping safe in general? Yes, if:

  • you know the person or company that advertises the items,
  • the influencer is trustworthy and also aware he/she is vulnerable to fraud,
  • you always verify the address of the site you get redirected to.

Pay attention both to the seller and the shopping place. Make sure your credit card information won’t fall into the wrong hands. And most importantly, refer to the Instagram Help Center to learn what shopping features are available in your country. There were major changes in 2023!

There is no explicit answer to the question: is Instagram safe? It greatly depends on the users’ awareness and carefulness. If you check the accounts you connect to, use a VPN on public Wi-Fi, and remain vigilant of possible Internet frauds, you shall stay safe. Have your eyes wide open and don’t let the fake accounts scam you!

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